Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Travel: Monas Tower/National Monument (Jakarta, Indonesia)

On the way to the Jalan(means street) Jaksa, the street for the tourist which is not that big as malioboro street in YogJakarta, I met MONAS, The National Monument.

 It is also nice park and square for the Jakarta people.

The National Monument (Indonesian: Monumen Nasional) is a 132 m tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. This is one of landmark in the city.

Originally the bronze flame structure was covered with 35 kg of gold foil. It seems like candle.

You can refer more from wikipedia below.

To get here you can use Trans Jakarta which seems metro but bus.

You can ride a horse and carriage too.

Jakarta presidential palace is near the square. Istiqlal Mosque, which is the largest Mosque in Southeast Asia, and train station is not far away from here too.

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